Sunday, October 08, 2006

Steinfelon's Follies

Even though Yankee despot George Steinbrenner was convicted of campaign financiang violations simply because he was a Democrat, he still pollutes the very universe with his presence. The rumor, doubtless true, that he is going to fire Manager Joe Torre brings a schadenfreudian glow to the Slangwhanger-in-Chief's otherwise sallow cheeks.

If Steinfelon does this he will have destroyed the only force capable of holding the Yankee team together, causing them to underperform even further next year. "For this relief, much thanks," as Br'er Shaxper remarked. The rest of the civilized world outside Manhattan will heave a huge sigh of relief that Steinfelon's egotism has singlehandedly caused a further decline in Yankee fortunes.

And maybe Torre's availability to manage will stop Nats GM Jim Bowden's lurid flirtation with the disgraced and ineffective Lou Pinella. A more unsuitable successor to the dignified and honorable Frank Robinson could not be imagined. As a player, Pinella was Steinfelon's house informer during the first baseball strike, ratting out union strategy to management. As a manager, he has represented the Billy Martin school of rageoholic, backstabbing, lying, drunken, petty martinets. Plus he has a black thumb with pitchers. Let's hope Torre wants to come to the NL, and that the Nats have sense enough to pursue him for real. If the Nats are going to pick a white guy manager rather than Dusty Baker or Terry Pendelton, it might as well be Torre, a real gentleman and a baseball mind of the first order.


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